top ten tuesday

TTT: Books on my Physical TBR

Hi, I can’t believe another week has come and gone, this year feels like it’s going so fast! Welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday! Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by ThatArtsyReaderGirl. You’ll find the rest of the topics listed on her page! Today’s topic is Spring Cleaning Freebie, so I’ve decided to do a post dedicated to the books sitting on my shelf that I still have not read. There are more than ten (oops) but I’m going to do the ones that I will hopefully be taking off of my TBR soon, by reading them!

Seasons of the Storm (Seasons of the Storm, #1)

Honestly, it’s actually a crime that this is still on my TBR for saying how excited I was to read it after reading the synopsis! This is on my TBR for this month so I’m praying I get to it soon!

House of Salt and Sorrows

This is another one that I was dying to read last year! I think I included it in my Autumn TBR list! I received this for Christmas and it is on my March TBR so I am praying I have time for this one too.

The Lives of Saints (Grishaverse)

Another Christmas present of mine! I think I’m going to save this for next month when I do my Grishaverse reread I’m praying I can fit a reread in, with all these other books I am dying to read haha!

An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes, #1)

A bit cheating as I have all four of these sitting on my shelf, but I’m going to include them as one on this list. My gorgeous fairyloot editions arrived the other week and they are STUNNING! I can’t wait to read this series as I’ve heard so many good things!

Chain of Iron (The Last Hours, #2)

I’m hoping to fit a reread of Chain of Gold and then this beauty in this month, but I don’t see it happening! This will be read as soon as possible though. I’ve managed to avoid spoilers so I have no idea what to expect from this book and I am excited!

The Hate U Give (The Hate U Give, #1)

I started this the week I moved to university in 2018. I was extremely homesick and this book was not an appropriate read for me at the time, so I stopped reading it to read one of my comfort books. I haven’t picked it up since, even though I am dying to read it. It is now my goal to read this book in 2021, and if it gets to December and I still haven’t someone please shout at me.

Master of One

I received this in Fairyloot’s December box and I haven’t got round to reading it yet! Soon, I pray. The synopsis sounds so intriguing and I love books about a group of people that become friends!


Another one I got from Fairyloot! I can’t wait to read this book, it sounds amazing! One day, I will get there!

This Golden Flame

I tried (and failed) to get on a blog tour for this book, so I was extremely happy when I received it in the February Fairyloot box! I can’t wait to read this at some point haha!

Beyond the Break

I received this for Christmas and what a surprise, I still haven’t read it! Hopefully, I will be able to get to this during my Easter holiday!

That’s it for this list! I do have quite a few more books on my shelf that I haven’t read, but I won’t lie there aren’t as many as I thought! Have you read any of these books? What did you think of them?

Keep reading,

Georgia x

42 thoughts on “TTT: Books on my Physical TBR”

  1. Ember in the Ashes series is so good! I really want that Fairyloot edition because it’s just GORGEOUS🤩


  2. Salt and Sorrows is the only one I’ve read and the others are all ones on my TBR, too! The covers for a lot of these are gorgeous and making me think I should switch over to eventually read the physical copies of them haha. I hope you get through them all this year! 😀

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  3. You have 10+ books on your physical TBR, and here I am with hundreds, not even counting my Kindle collection. What is your secret? 😂 Ember in the Ashes has been on my TBR for awhile. It came out during a time I wasn’t reading, but now with the last one out, I really need to read them! I’m also super excited for Lore… fingers crossed my library ends up ordering it soon! The only one I’ve read here is The Hate U Give. I didn’t care much for it, though I know I’m in the minority there, so I hope you enjoy it!

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  4. Oooh that’s a great list of books! A few (ok maybe more than a few) of these are still on my shelves too but I can highly recommend This Golden Flame, I read an arc earlier this year and really enjoyed it 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. There are so many books here that I want to read too!! I want to pick up An Ember in the Ashes soon and Lore as well. They both sound amazing and I’m avoiding spoilers of both like the plague 😆 I hope you’ve had a chance to get to Chain of Iron! I’m halfway through it and can’t wait to see what will happen next, but I also don’t want it to end 😅

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